Affiliate Disclosure

There are links on this site that can be defined as “affiliate links”.This means that we may receive a small commission (at no cost to you) if you book through the links provided in this website. is a member of Airbnb Associate, associates are not Airbnb employees and do not work under the direction of Airbnb employees. We also participant in Agoda Affiliate Programs, it designed to provide a means for sites to earn affiliate fees by advertising and linking to their websites. 

Please note that our mission is primarily to provide valuable information to our visitors, and making money from these initiatives is a secondary activity but this website is a for-profit business and as such we greatly appreciate it when you choose to use our links to make a booking, this help us pay for the costs of running this website, and it supports future development.

There will be other affiliate networks we may participate in the future.

Banner Ads

We will place banner ads on the site that will also result in a commission if you click it. All of the text/image ads throughout the site are Google AdSense ads.

Contact Information

Questions about the affiliate disclosure should be sent to us at